The Beauty Benefits Of Manuka Honey For Beauty And Wellness!
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The Beauty Benefits Of Manuka Honey For Beauty And Wellness!

You may have heard of Manuka honey, seen it in supermarkets, and balked at the expense. Or read about it being an excellent ingredient for homemade face or hair masks. So, what’s the scoop on this expensive honey that seems to have everyone in the beauty business buzzing? Manuka honey has unique botanical properties that…

What is Clean, Green, Sustainable Beauty?

What is Clean, Green, Sustainable Beauty?

Clean, green, sustainable Beauty is about more than just products; it’s a lifestyle. It’s about choosing to live a life that positively impacts the planet. It’s about making conscious choices that reduce your carbon footprint and help preserve our natural resources. Living sustainably doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. It’s about making simple choices…