The Best Natural Oil Alternatives To Retinol!
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The Best Natural Oil Alternatives To Retinol!

If you have sensitive skin, are breastfeeding or nursing, yet want the benefits that retinol gives to the skin, you will be looking for effective natural skincare options! While many more natural ingredients can give your skin the same effects, look at these natural oils that offer similar benefits to retinol but without the potential…

How To Make DIY Strawberry Face Masks For Glowing Skin!
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How To Make DIY Strawberry Face Masks For Glowing Skin!

Fruit is a fantastic ingredient for making glowing skin DIY face masks at home, and strawberries are among the best due to their natural botanical properties. These properties topically feed the skin to give you a glow! If you love natural skincare remedies, explore the benefits of strawberries for your skin care by making easy…

The Benefits of Licorice In Ayurvedic Oral Care!
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The Benefits of Licorice In Ayurvedic Oral Care!

Ayurveda has much to teach about a holistic approach to beauty and wellness. It contains ancient wisdom that seems increasingly relevant in our fast-paced world, leaving many burnt out. If you are looking for more natural approaches to caring for your teeth, you may have encountered Ayurvedic practices. One beneficial ingredient in Ayurveda oral care…

How To Make A Soothing Oat Milk Bath Recipe!
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How To Make A Soothing Oat Milk Bath Recipe!

Milk baths are making a comeback; with an increased interest in natural and simple beauty routines and skin care ingredients, bathing in milk is a no-brainer! If you can’t see pouring milk that thirsty family members can drink down the drain, consider the benefits of making and soaking in oat milk! Milk baths are an…

The Best Ways To Use Olive Oil for Hair Growth!
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The Best Ways To Use Olive Oil for Hair Growth!

Olive oil for hair care dates back centuries. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans recognized its immense benefits and used it in various hair treatments. Olive oil was prized for its ability to nourish and condition the hair and was believed to promote hair growth and prevent premature graying. They also used olive oil as a…

How To Make An Anti-Aging Night Cream!
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How To Make An Anti-Aging Night Cream!

You can easily spend a fortune on expensive night creams, and while there are many great natural formulations to buy, it is easy and fun to make custom DIY recipes at home. Skincare, however cleverly it is marketed, is often filled with unknown ingredients and chemicals you don’t want smothering your skin, not to mention…

How To Make Aloe Vera Gel-Benefits And Uses!
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How To Make Aloe Vera Gel-Benefits And Uses!

Aloe vera gel has been revered for centuries for its incredible soothing and healing properties. This natural gel, extracted from the leaves of the aloe vera plant, has many benefits for the body, both internally and topically, from calming sunburns to relieving dry, itchy skin and moisturizing the hair; this is one natural ingredient that…