The Beauty Benefits of Tucuma Butter For Hair And Skin!
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The Beauty Benefits of Tucuma Butter For Hair And Skin!

If you are looking for more natural alternative skin and hair care using plant-based ingredients in their purest form, you may have come across the fantastic oils and butter from the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon Rain Forest is rich in nutritious, beneficial plants and continues to provide medicinal and body care benefits to those around…

How To Use Capuacu Butter For Beautiful Skin And Hair!
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How To Use Capuacu Butter For Beautiful Skin And Hair!

Discover how to use capuacu butter for beautiful skin and shiny, glossy hair! As more people look to cleaner, more sustainable ingredients for beauty products, plants previously unknown outside their indigenous regions are making their way into broader circulation. Capuacu is a tree fruit related to the Cacao tree; it is widely used in South…

How To Cover Grey Roots Using Indigo Plant-Based Hair Dye?
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How To Cover Grey Roots Using Indigo Plant-Based Hair Dye?

Grey hair is, for most people, inevitable as we age. While there is an increasing movement to embrace the grey and discover the beautiful silver, white, and platinum colors that can emerge, there are plant-based options for those wishing to keep their original color without resorting to chemical dye. Indigo can deliver a range of…

How To Use Peppermint Essential Oil For Hair Growth!
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How To Use Peppermint Essential Oil For Hair Growth!

Are you looking for natural ways to grow hair, maintain thickness and length, or for ingredients with researched hair growth benefits? Try adding the best essential oils for hair growth to your hair routines; one of the best is Peppermint essential oil! Peppermint oil is a highly versatile essential oil and a favorite for many…

The Best Ways To Use Rose Water For Beautiful Hydrated Skin And Hair!
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The Best Ways To Use Rose Water For Beautiful Hydrated Skin And Hair!

What is it about Rosewater that has transcended through the ages? Is it worth using, and what are the best ways to get the most out of this simple but luxurious hydrosol beauty water? If we travel through time, we can see the use of Rosewater across cultures, where roses were a staple of perfumes….

The Restorative Hair Growth Benefits Of Ojon And Batana Oils!
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The Restorative Hair Growth Benefits Of Ojon And Batana Oils!

If you are struggling with thinning or shedding hair or have issues with unruly, frizzy, or curly hair, you may have come across Ojon oil. This rich, smoky, chocolatey-scented oil is incredible for restoring health, strength, and regrowth on damaged, struggling hair. Ojon Oil comes from the Ojon Palm Tree, Elaeis Oleifera, which is native…

How To Make An Easy Homemade Hand Cream Recipe!
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How To Make An Easy Homemade Hand Cream Recipe!

Everyone could use an excellent nurturing hand cream! They make great gift ideas; whether you buy them or make them, they are a must-have product for most of us! Having become accustomed to using large amounts of hand sanitizers and understanding the need to wash our hands frequently, a nourishing hand cream has become vital…